June 29: Change log
July 21: Tag, you're it
July 21: Stupid Blogspot tricks
August 9: Cheers and raspberries
October 21: New sidebar item: the post queue
October 23: Ch-ch-ch-changes
October 27: Seeing what I have not seen before
November 8: Yes, I don't write enough
December 20: Sapping energy
December 28: More Blogger idiocy
June 15: June biomass roundup
July 1: THERE's a surprise
July 24: The money-grubbing mendacity of the ethanol lobby
September 4: The ethanol mirage
September 5: Ethanol Mirage II
September 24: Anatomy of a press release
October 24: Grass power revisited
December 23: What can you do with 1.3 billion tons?
July 7: Going negative
December 31: The Weyburn option
February 24: One small step for carbon
June 29: Zinc: Miracle metal?
December 12: Meet you halfway
January 14: Getting it done
March 17: Cogeneration @ home
March 20: I'm sure you knew this already
March 20: Throw it back
August 19: A bite-sized cogeneration example
December 28: Cogeneration could have come to the rescue
August 13: Immediate responses
October 7: Immediate responses: revive the PNGV
November 13: Do the math
November 15: Peak what?
November 16: Good Gulf
December 20: Think globally, take care of yourself
October 27: From bad to worse
January 10: News Briefs
February 19: The Ergosphere turns 1
March 2: Checking the shelf
March 4: Read the whole thing
March 14: Today's chuckle
April 6: What side are they on?
April 10: How to be pathetic
May 13: A list of don'ts.
June 3: Comment policy
July 12: Why people still buy Microsoft
August 2: It's about time
August 9: Bad writing, bad thinking
August 9: Quote w/o comment
September 1: My goal is... to be hated?
September 3: Re-thinking New Orleans
September 26: Quote without comment
October 28: Quote without comment
November 16: You just can't talk to some people
November 16: Quote without comment
November 30: Ruminations of a restless mind
October 31: Alternative energy is civil defense
December 1: AE is civil defense, redux
April 29: It's (a) mine!
June 13: SMH: anti-nuke propaganda organ?
July 19: Super-cooled
April 29: It's all gas
June 17: Dare we call it treason yet?
June 21: The grand delusion
July 31: Triage
September 2: Hurricane-force incompetence
September 10: Beyond outrageous
October 2: Sounds much too familiar
October 14: Best thing SinceSlicedBread
October 24: Republicans to lose Red America?
November 16: The MSM doesn't care about ballot-box stuffing
December 13: Someone has way too much free time
December 14: Kos-ternation
December 16: An allegory
December 20: And a day before solstice, too
December 21: Target: sugar producers
December 28:
Denialists and echo chambers
May 12: The glossary
September 8: FAQ
December 21: The Reference Library
May 24: Getting down to earth
May 30: Not enough science fiction
November 9: Unit analysis
November 11: Solar snake oil
September 24: Scribblings for September 2005
October 26: Scribblings for October 2005
June 3: Fertilize this!
June 9: Walking the walk
June 11: Dropped balls
August 10: Petroleum independence as a growth engine
September 10: A lever and a place to stand
November 9: Starting the cycle
November 20: The triumph of exurbia
June 19: Post-oil airliners
June 22: A post-oil vacation
June 25: Do hybrids require subsidies?
December 22: The next domino falls
September 26: My home page
September 28: Verse: Everyman
March 31: Forty-two
October 30: A reconception of marine power
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