Version 1.0. Treat it like a beta, because it is. With your help, it'll grow.
Batteries Biofuels Coal-to-liquids Cogeneration Conservation Demand-side management Energy (general) Fuel cells Vehicles Waste (utilization) Wind
This is a collection of links and other info for reference on energy matters. Sources cited in Ergosphere postings will (or ought to be) listed here. Submissions by mail, please.
(no entries yet)
Corn stover collection project
Grass biofuel pellets
PowerPoint presentation on bio-ethanol (1.3 billion tons/year of waste biomass for fuel, p. 29)
Detailed presentation on biofuels (ethanol yield figures for woody biomass in table 2-3)
Tax incentives:
Simply Insulate: Tax info made easy. Major information for existing homes, data for new homes not present (the site claims that IRS regulations are not available yet).
Tax Incentives Assistance Project: Runs the gamut from new and existing residential to business to vehicles.
Department of Energy: the horse's mouth.
University of Delaware Vehicle-to-grid page.
(no entries yet)
Direct Carbon Fuel Cells:
John Cooper presentation
DCFC workshop presentations
Zinc-air fuel cells:
(no entries yet)
Vehicle efficiency table (source)
University of Delaware Vehicle-to-grid page.
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