I recently put a Sitemeter hit counter down at the bottom of the page. You may or may not have noticed it. I did it because the TTLB Ecosystem stuff no longer works without it, and I have never seen what kind of referrals bring people here.
Man, were my eyes opened!
About 60-70% of all hits are of unknown origin or come from the main blog page, but the remaining 30% come through links to specific posts. Some of the referrals surprised me; today, someone clicked through from a page on Wikipedia (which I did not know existed, though I'm glad they found "Zinc: miracle metal?" useful), and someone else came from a Livejournal page written in Russian (and even more interesting, an IP address in Israel; I'd love to know both what that says and who found it interesting).
The Google stats only told me how many people clicked in each day. Sitemeter tells me that some of you have found The Ergosphere to be not merely useful, but reference-worthy. This pleases me more than you could know.
I've been slacking lately, but I'll try to get back to writing more stuff you can use.
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Visits since 2006/05/11: |