A tidal power station in the Pentland Firth between mainland Scotland and Orkney has broken the world record for electricity generation....For those who are not so good at doing arithmetic in their heads, August has 31 days. 31 days is 744 hours. 700 MWh divided by 744 hours is less than 1 megawatt average output.
In an update on the progress of the MeyGen project, by Atlantis Resources, the company said it had generated 700 megawatt-hours of electricity in August, a world record amount.
We will build an additional 49 (73.5 MW) turbines at MeyGen at an estimated cost of £420mThis would be 55 total turbines. If phase 1C has the same per-unit capacity and cost as the first 6 units, the total cost would be £471m for 82.5 MW of nameplate generation. At 31.3% capacity factor, that is £18.3 per average watt. Only the ultra-wealthy could afford this. It makes the Hinckley EPRs look positively cheap.
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