On my sign-in just now, I got a notice that I can go straight to my Blogger dashboard without converting to the new Blogger and making a Google account — but I can only do this once. After this I must have a Google account if I want to post to The Ergosphere.
I don't want a Google account. I want nothing to do with their data-retention policies, their data-mining, or anything else. I want to keep my blog strictly separated from everything else I do.
Apparently, if I want to do this I can no longer use Blogger.
I will have to think long and hard about this, but "Two Easy Pieces" may be the final post you ever see on The Ergosphere.
Update 1:13 AM: And with Google deleting videos critical of Islam, I have exactly zero reasons to support Google by directing my reader's eyeballs to them. So much for "don't be evil", eh?
Note to Google: Fuck yourself with a rusty saw blade.
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