Going through the hit-counter data for The Ergosphere can be... interesting.
A lot of hits show no information for the link in. Bookmarks? Fine; you folks are my regulars. (Welcome back.) But some hits come here via searches which are downright strange.
Take the person who came here via a Google search for "Dropped Balls". Was this someone who remembered the post title, or someone just looking randomly? No way to tell unless they say something.
Then there's the search for "engineers are cheap bastards engineering society". 'Nuf said.
For some reason, several people a day come here via searches for "engineer poet". There was a time when I didn't see any of those; now they're fairly regular. Did I become famous when I wasn't looking?
A bunch of folks seem to be looking for "listeroids". I hope they find Utterpower.com too, because I sure don't have any.
I see some hits which come here because someone once editted a Wikipedia page and thought I was reference-worthy. I think this does say something about the reliability of Wikipedia (cough). (OTOH, if this paid money I'd be happy to whip my page into something resembling scholarly shape.)
Last, I saw something rare: someone saving "What can you do with 1.3 billion tons?" to their local drive. Let me remind you, A---, that the contents of these pages are copyright © the author, and reproduction for profit is not only a violation of copyright but of my principles unless you give me a cut. Not that I'm likely to hire an attorney in Hong Kong to pursue the matter, but still....
And that's all for today. Come back when ESP tells you that I've written another meta-post.
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