The Ergosphere
Friday, April 28, 2006

Contribute to the Myths File

I'm trying to fill out a list of energy myths, misconceptions and propaganda.  So far I've got a few things like this:

Got any other good ones?  I'm not looking for answers or explanations, just the topics themselves.

Two pretty obvious ones:

Peak X is NOW!

Peak X will destroy us!
Myth: It is more energy efficient to produce ethanol than to produce gasoline.

Link: Ethanol versus Gasoline

That is just one site of many that make the claim, which is a result of measuring gasoline versus ethanol via different metrics.

How about the car that runs on water.
Fossil fuels are subsidized.
Ignorance: Reduction in energy consumption is directly linked to reduction in atmospheric CO2 emissions.

Here in NZ, we have a lot of Hydro and geothermal power stations. Our govt have discussed the idea of introducing their own "Carbon Tax" for every X of energy used, electrical, oil-based or otherwise. This appears to be a blatant ignorance of the fact that things like electric trains powered by electricity-from-hydro are not actually contributing to CO2 levels at all.
"Saving electricity cuts oil demand (misconception or propaganda?)"

Neither. This is a holdover from the 70's, when nuclear power replaced oil-fueled power generation. There's no oil-fueled commercial power generation anymore, save for emergency backup power and that kind of thing.
I'm looking for the topics, not the answers.  I can write the answers myself.  These topics are pretty good, keep 'em coming.

If you're wondering, this is part of the project I embarked on.  If it goes anywhere I'll post some excerpts.
Wind power is useless because the wind doesn't blow all the time.

Alternatively: Wind farms kill pretty birdies!

@Gitch: I bet nobody in New Zealand takes the piss out of the Think Big hydro schemes any more..
Okay here's a few:

oil companies/ automakers deliberately bankrupted railroads in the USA in the twentieth century to promote the car.

automakers have fought attempts to compel them to increase mileage across their product ranges

the hydrogen economy has been deliberately promoted by oil companies/ automakers/ politicians to avoid being compelled to make changes now (rather than some indefinite date in the future)

carbon sequestration (co2 capture) is not a proven technology and is promoted by companies (and politicans funded by companies) that want to promote coal and natural gas use.

nuclear power is/is not uneconomic

ethanol is/is not uneconomic

nuclear energy can/cannot be safely used by all countries without weapons proliferation

solar energy is/ could soon be the most economic way to put communities on the grid in developing countries (where there is no existing electrical infrastructure)

replacing the use of "primitive" biomass in developing countries (e.g. wood burning etc.) would reduce total co2 emissions significantly.

Alternative Energy Blog
Now that you mention it, controversies are probably good fodder too.
Easter Island/Rome/Incan civilization is a direct allegory to the imminent collapse of America/Europe/The World.
Can you say somethihg on "zero point energy"?
How about that nuclear power does not contribute to global warming? Or that hydrogen is an energy source rather than a method of storing energy?
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